Lawrence Tech is deeply committed to diversity and inclusiveness. We're not only talking about different ethnicities or people of different origin, but also we're talking about diversity and inclusiveness of lifestyles and ideas.
The College of Arts and Science has a very unique combination of disciplines, many of which are very high demand. And we have faculty who specialize in artificial intelligence, in robotics, as well as in cybersecurity. So these are all very high demand areas within computer science that undergraduates can specialize in.
One of the high demand areas all over the country is health related professions. And we are one of the highest ranked nursing programs in the state of Michigan. But if you want to do any kind of health related profession, whether it's pre-med, pre-vet, pre-dental, and other types of health related professions, then we offer all of those courses. In addition, we also offer a pre-law track for students who want to try to go into law school.
Here at Lawrence Technological University. Our motto is theory and practice. And within the College of Arts and Sciences, we really back that up. So we have fabulous laboratories for students in the sciences, obviously, so they have access to all sorts of different types of equipment. We have physics labs, where students can experiment with a wide variety of different technologies as well. And we even have a special sensory lab for our psychology students where they can look at how people are interacting with their surroundings and gathering information. So we really feel that student's access to these types of facilities really helps them be ready when they graduate to hit the ground running and really put that theory and practice model into action.